Hi, I’m Christelle

A London based integrative psychodynamic therapist. I provide in person and online psychotherapy and counselling Services.

As a first-generation Londoner born and raised, I understand the pressures of living in a fast-paced city. What it feels like to feel isolated and alone with your problems. I also understand what it feels like to be weary of seeking external support and the worry that may come with trying to find the ‘right’ therapist. I have a passion for supporting people from all walks of life, and together we can work towards you learning more about yourself and being able to use that knowledge to improve the way you manage difficult situations and emotions.

I specialise in attachment and relationships as I believe that healthy relationships are the cornerstone to society. I also believe our experiences in our early years heavily influence how we see and navigate through life. This insight can allow you to become more self-aware understanding why you make certain choices or experience particular patterns.

  • ‘Nothing can dim the light that shines from within’

    Maya Angelou

  • ‘We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty’

    Maya Angelou